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Just My Socks如何退款,Just My Socks怎么申请退款



客户可以要求全额退款的服务, 前提是满足以下所有条件:

  1. 客户的账户信誉良好, 没有违反整个服务条款
  2. 以前没有任何付款或目前有争议
  3. 每月数据传输使用率低于 10%
  4. 该帐户是在 7天内 或更短的时间前创建的
  5. 客户未使用其他账户退款的权利


退款处理后, 帐户可用于未来订单, 但不再有退款资格。


Customer may cancel services at any time in the billing control panel.

Customer may request a full refund for service provided all of the following conditions are met:

  1. Customer’s account is in good standing and there have been no violations of Terms of Services
  2. None of the payments have been previously or currently disputed
  3. Monthly data transfer usage is under 10%
  4. Customer’s account was created 7 or fewer days ago
  5. Client had not used the right to Refund previously under current or different account

Refunds are issued to the original form of payment.

After the refund is processed, account may be used for future orders, however it will not be eligible for further refunds.

内容来自 Just My Socks 官方的 Terms of Service 说明


进入justmysocks官网,点击你购买的套餐,进入justmysocks控制面板,在左侧找到"Request Refund".点击进入,如果符合条件就会有个请说明退款原因的对话框,说下你退款原因,如果英文不好可以用百度转译下.

如果账号看不到Request Refund,说明账号不符合退款条件。不能申请退款。

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